jesse saunders

"Learn How To Find Balance
Confidence & Freedom"

Our Finding Balance Course is

so awesome and here is why...

Expert Coaching

Learn from experienced balance coaches who will help you progress efficiently and safely. Their expert cues, corrections, and tracking will accelerate your gains. You'll have direct access to coaching and feedback before, during, and after the course for real results.

Personalized Program

The Find Balance course provides a completely customized program tailored specifically to your needs and goals. After a consultation, your coach will design a personalized roadmap to better balance just for you. Enjoy activities and exercises curated for your unique situation.

Future Community

While one-on-one coaching is the current focus, we hope to foster a community platform as the program grows. This will allow for sharing experiences and motivating each other along the journey to balance. We aspire to cultivate this supportive community in future phases.

Holistic Approach

This course takes a holistic approach beyond just exercises to enhance balance. Get guidance on stress management, nutrition self-care, and lifestyle factors for whole-body wellness. The program addresses all facets of your life to create sustainable change.

The Find Balance course delivers personalized programming, holistic guidance, and dedicated coaching to help you achieve stability and confidence. Join us to reclaim freedom of movement on your terms!


After shattering my leg in 1999, I discovered yoga and massage as tools for healing and achieving balance in both body and mind. This life-changing experience put me on a path to help others find mobility, stability, and freedom in movement.

I've now spent over 15 years practicing, teaching, and continuously developing my expertise in yoga, acroyoga, and therapeutic movement. Guiding students to greater strength, flexibility, and confidence is my passion.

My classes meet you where you are and help you progress safely. I've worked with all ages and abilities to uncover their full movement potential. My cues and corrections are highly attentive to provide a personalized experience.

In addition to group classes, I also offer private sessions and customized online coaching. My programs take a holistic approach to balance and mobility, addressing posture, breath, lifestyle factors, and more.

I've seen firsthand how transformative focused mobility training can be. My personalized Find Balance course distills all my experience into an accessible step-by-step journey tailored to your needs. I can't wait to help you enhance stability, ease movement limitations, and ultimately reclaim freedom in your body.

The joy comes from the journey together. I hope you'll join me!

Balance is critical for physical health and injury prevention. Good balance minimizes risk of falls or accidents. It allows us to walk confidently, climb stairs with ease, stand on one foot, and reach overhead without losing stability. Balance depends on visual cues, proprioception, vestibular function, and coordinated muscle contractions. Declining balance leads to limited mobility and loss of independence. Training balance improves these systems, strengthening muscles and re-calibrating body awareness. Even simple exercises make everyday activities easier, while reducing chance of dangerous tumbles. According to the CDC, falls lead to nearly 3 million injuries annually in those 65+. Proper balance is protective.

Mentally and emotionally, achieving balance manifests as equilibrium between sympathies, empathy, sentimentality, and logic. An individual with good psychological balance can simultaneously connect with others emotionally yet analyze situations rationally. They avoid extreme emotional swings and approach hardships with level-headedness. With mental balance, we have greater capacity to handle stressors and unexpected changes in circumstances. Unbalanced individuals may become volatile, panicked, despondent, or detached in challenging times. Training the mind through meditation, counseling, or cognitive exercises gives us tools to respond to life’s ups and downs from a place of balance.

More philosophically, finding balance means discovering harmony between opposing forces in our lives - activity and rest, work and play, humility and confidence. Imbalance occurs when we tilt too far towards one extreme or the other. But with balance, we remain steady on the middle path. This allows us to embrace the fullness of life - appreciating both effort and ease, joy and sorrow, socializing and solitude. Mastering work-life balance creates space for personal growth. In balance we gain perspective, becoming resilient to hardship and openhearted during prosperity. Ultimately balance enables mindfulness - deep presence in each moment as it unfolds.

I’ve learned a great deal about

what works and what doesn’t.

What Works: Personalized Guidance

Every person's needs are unique when it comes to improving balance and stability. A personalized program tailored to your specific goals, abilities, and lifestyle is far more effective than a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. My private coaching allows us to address your precise challenges.

What Doesn't Work: Quick Fixes

True balance requires patience and consistency. While some gimmicks or devices may provide temporary assistance, lasting change comes from doing the right exercises repeatedly over time. I don't rely on quick fixes, but rather create a training plan focused on your long-term success.

What Works: Holistic Lifestyle Tweaks

Often just adding simple tweaks like proper sleep, stress management, and postural awareness can make a big difference in restoring balance. My guidance isn't just about the exercises, but instilling lifestyle factors that support your progress 24/7.

What Doesn't Work: Going It Alone

Trying to improve balance independently can be frustrating and ineffective without expert input. Having access to my cues, corrections, and perspective as your coach allows faster refinement and confidence. My support keeps you motivated to stick with the program when progress seems slow.

My lucky break!

Breaking my leg was actually the thing that sent my life on a course of discovery for therapeutic movement. Not just to get by but to thrive.

I understand the frustration of feeling limited and unstable in your own body.

You deserve to move through life with ease, confidence and joy. My personalized Find Balance course is designed to help you finally reclaim your physical freedom.

  • This program is unlike any other because it is tailored specifically for your needs and abilities. I won't give you a generic plan - through consultations and assessments, we'll pinpoint your problem areas and create a customized roadmap to better balance and mobility.

  • My holistic approach addresses all facets of your lifestyle, not just exercises. You'll get proven techniques to strengthen muscles along with guidance on posture, ergonomics, breathwork, and mindset shifts to support your goals.

  • With my expert coaching, you'll refine your movement patterns quickly and safely. I'll be there every step, providing feedback and celebrating wins with you. You'll gain the knowledge and tools to keep improving stability long after the course.

  • If lack of balance and mobility has been holding you back, this is the program that can change everything. You deserve to feel steady, graceful, and free in your body. I can't wait to help you finally achieve the physical freedom you've been missing.



It's unsettling when you notice your balance declining and start worrying about falling. But you don't have to accept this as inevitable. With the right training, you can rebuild stability and move with confidence once again.

We'll identify your specific problem areas and create a customized regimen of balance exercises tailored to your needs.

You'll retrain your muscles and neurological pathways through techniques like tandem stance, slackline walking, core engagement, yoga poses, and more. Our expert coaches guide you on proper form to target areas for improvement.

In addition to exercises, we also provide tips on improving safety in your home environment to reduce fall risks. Reframing mindset around fear of falling is also addressed.

With consistency, you'll progressively rely less on handrails, wobble less when standing, and regain assurance in your every step. Our program gives you the tools to conquer unsteadiness and renew your stability long-term.

You deserve to move through life with ease - let us help you defy balance declines and recapture steadiness on your feet once and for all.


Regain Confidence in Motion Post-Injury

Injuries can really throw off your balance, coordination, and ease of movement. But with targeted retraining, you can bounce back stronger than ever.

We'll start by identifying your unique mobility deficits and areas of instability.

Then we design a personalized program including proprioceptive exercises, gait retraining, therapeutic movement patterns, and muscular re-education tailored to your needs.

You'll progress gradually under the guidance of our expert coaches. We'll continuously track your improvements, modify the plan, and keep you motivated.

With consistency, you'll regain stability, restore healthy movement patterns, conquer compensation habits, and reclaim confidence in your body's abilities. Our holistic approach addresses both the physical and mental aspects of recovery.

Don't let an injury permanently alter your mobility - lean on our proven techniques to rebuild balance, ease, and freedom of movement post-rehab. Your best recovery starts here.


Our training system leverages the incredible capacity humans have to re-shape ingrained movement habits. We help clients rewire their neural pathways and muscular memory to achieve full mobility potential.

Where once you felt locked into certain postural or coordination patterns, our coaching opens up new possibilities. We bring mindful awareness to old habits then guide you through progressive retraining.

With customized programming, we identify your unique restrictions and slowly expand your capabilities - whether strength, flexibility, balance, or coordination. What was once difficult becomes fluid.

The system works because it aligns with our neuroplastic brains' and adaptive muscles' innate abilities to form new connections through repetition. You re-learn how to use your body with greater freedom and control.

Our goal is to leave you empowered in your own ongoing movement journey, with the tools to keep evolving your potential however you wish. Your only limits are those you choose to accept.


Commitment from you is key for transformation, so we take care to set you up for success every step of the way. We begin with a Foundation Phase where you master proper form and build confidence through manageable workloads. Achieving quick early wins keeps motivation high.

Ongoing support and accountability also drive adherence. Weekly check-ins and progress tracking sessions keep you on track. Troubleshooting plateaus together forges a partnership. Our guidance provides structure but also flexibility to adapt around life demands.

Ultimately, intrinsic rewards sustain lasting engagement. By tuning into how much better you feel physically and mentally, you'll cultivate inner drive. The fulfilment of reaching milestones and your "why" behind training will become natural motivators over time. Your goals crystallize as you experience the benefits, propelling you forward with purpose.

The program is carefully engineered to help you maximize participation through smart progression, support systems, community, and instilling intrinsic rewards. Our goal is equipping you with the tools and mindset to stay consistently invested in your transformation. Together we'll get you to the finish line and beyond!

TRUSTED by Hundreds of Students

Let us help you too!

What some of our students say!

Yvonna N.

Jesse is a really great teacher. For a long time I was afraid of doing things like head or hand stands but I was surprise how quickly he help me to overcome my fears and push my limits within a safe environment. As a teacher he is very patient and understanding yet demanding which I really like as it helps my progress a lot. Definitely would recommend

Bennie B.

I met Jesse at an acro jam, and just in our short playtime, he gave me a perfect cue to help me finally get into an acropose I was struggling with. That perfectly summarizes what I know of Jesse as a teacher: careful and attentive to each of our needs/goals and able to safely and surely guide us towards them. Since the lock down I’ve been enjoying his daily online classes, as he guides us through explorations of our bodies mobility potentials.

Dale L.

Jesse is fantastic teacher. Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned acro-ninja, he has the ability to make the session fun and challenging to all present, and you will quickly find yourself developing skills, techniques and muscles you didn't know existed!

I thoroughly recommend you book a class and see for yourself!

Imogen M.

I am just finishing my 2nd week of Zoom classes with Jesse. As a not-so-young novice, I am thrilled with Jesse's teaching techniques, his skills and his very humane approach. His clear explanations are a great help, as each new posture is totally new to me!! I am so grateful to have been recommended to join the group, and I sincerely hope that zoom classes will remain part and parcel of Jesse's activities.

Kati B.

After ten years, I have re-discovered Jesse Saunders. It is great to practice with him again. Jesse has developed his own method, a combination of loosening, stretching and strengthening. His yoga classes preparing your body for the asanas in a deep way. Your mind and body get focused on the feel and change rather than on achievement. Jesse is a very good teacher, he is working with us, showing what we have to do and constantly talking us though of every move, every stretch. His classes are interesting, they are always somewhat different, following a very clear principle. I feel refreshed after class and tired in a good way.

Rosie G.

Jess is passionate about all kinds of movement & this shows both in his own practice and in his teaching, whether handstand coaching, training partner acrobatics or teaching yoga, Jess has a wealth of knowledge and experience, knows when to push you to your edges as well as being patient and playful in his coaching, intuitively adapting to suit all levels.

I’ve enjoyed Jesses acro classes & workshops over the last 4 yrs and lockdown has given me the chance to join his online Yoga, 5 Tibetans & Shiva Nata classes via zoom. These have kept my mind & body active and engaged and given structure to my days. I highly recommend moving with Jesse!

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